Friday, September 22, 2017

Food for Thought (WARNING: sour and bitter flavor)

I found this article on campus sexual assault policy change to be worth noting: Trump administration rescinds Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

I wish we didn’t have to talk about it, hear about it, or read about it---Sexual assault is happening on our nation’s higher learning institutions, and we might want to pay attention for it could help protect many lives. Our new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, recently announced a policy change that would allow universities an easy way of dismissing allegations/cases. One of the reasons is to help “balance in protecting the rights of victims and the accused.” Some universities have already vowed to keep the Obama era policy of 2011, but time will tell which schools will turn their backs on students…

This isn’t ground breaking news, but it may provide insight and warnings. Give it a read and tell me what y’all think!